Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Meet Bradley Hart...

.... a most unusual artist!

Bradley Hart is a Canadian artist based in New York City. Hart is best known for creating unique artworks by injecting paint into bubble wrap with extreme precision and detail. His method results in a tactile approach to pixelated imagery. Hart had the idea of transforming the commonly used packing material into art after encountering overprotective museum security guards. The experience left him with the inspiration to provoke a desire for forbidden engagement from viewers, to get close to works and touch the surfaces. The artist's oeuvre of interrelated series initiates with the Injection paintings.

The subjects of paintings range from portraiture to scenery and still life, often coming from Hart's personal photograph collection. Using his own custom-designed software, Bradley Hart assigns a color code to each bubble which corresponds with a paint-loaded syringe. He then injects the acrylic paint into each cell of the bubble wrap, resulting in pixelated hyperrealist recreations of the chosen images.

While injecting, the artist intentionally overfills the bubbles with a calculated amount of paint so that the excess paint drips down the flat side of the bubble wrap. The drips fuse upon drying and are then removed from the plastic. This layer becomes the next series, titled Impression, which is a deliberate result of the previous Injection work and yet constitutes an independent body of works on its own.

See more of his wonderful art here:
